首页 > 产品中心 > 电力监控与保护 > ARD系列智能电动机保护器 > 智能抽屉柜分体模块化电动机保护器




概述 Overview 


        ARD3T智能抽屉柜分体模块化电动机保护器可划分为主体模块、测量模块、开关量模块、模拟量模块、温度模块、通讯模块、液晶模块共7个模块。产品体积小巧,结构紧凑,适用于额定电压至AC 660V、额定电流至AC 800A、额定频率为50/60Hz的电动机。在低压控制终端柜和1/4模数及以上各种抽屉柜中可直接安装使用,提高了控制回路的可靠性和自动化水平。

2产品特点 Features

■  辅助电源支持AC/DC 110/220VAC 380V(需另配380V电源模块)。

Auxiliary power supply supports AC/DC 110/220V or AC 380V (380V power supply module is needed separately)

■  模块式设计,分为主体模块、测量模块、开关量模块、模拟量模块、温度模块、通讯模块、液晶模块等7个模块。

Modular design, it consists of master module, measurement module, switching value module, analog value module, temperature module, communication module, and LCD module.

■  模块体积小巧,支持导轨安装、螺丝固定安装。

Small volume, support guide rail and screw fixed installation

■  附加模块采用总线供电,不需要外接辅助电源。

Additional mudule adopt bus power supply, do not need external auxiliary power supply

■  带有上位机配置软件,方便客户配置参数,编程设置。

With upper computer configuration software, the product is convenient for customer to set parameter and program.

■  DI/DO可自由编程。

DI/DO programmable freely

■  DI支持干接点(弱电)或湿节点(强电)输入,湿接点可选交流或直流供电。

DI support dry contact(Electronic)or wet contact(Electric) input,and wet contact can choose AC or DC power supply.

■  标配过载、堵转、阻塞、欠载、断相、不平衡、PTC保护、外部故障等全面的电动机综合保护功能。

Standard configuration about overall comprehensive motor protection functions such as overload protection, stalling protection, blocking protection, underload protection, phase failure protection, phase unbalance protection, PTC protection, external failure protection, and etc.

■  标配保护模块模式、直接起动、星三角起动、自耦降压起动、双向起动、单绕组双速起动、双绕组双速起动等多种起动方式,起动方式可现场设定。

Standard configuration about various starting mode such as protection module mode, direct starting, Y- starting, autotransformer step-down starting, two-directional starting, single winding two-speed starting, duplex winding two-speed starting, and etc.The starting mode can be set at spot.

■  标配故障记录、运行管理信息,方便查询故障原因,进行电机维护。

Standard configuration about fault record and operation management information, facilitate to find the cause of fault and maintain the motor.

■  标配自起动功能,可通过附加抗晃电模块实现抗晃电、失压重起功能。

Standard configuration about self-starting function, it can implement anti-interference electricity and voltage off restarting function by using additional anti-interference electricity module.

■  显示部分采用全中文液晶显示。

Chinese LCD display

■  可通过添加模拟量模块实现2420mA输入测量和2420mA变送输出。420mA变送输出对应参数可自由设定。

Implement 2-channel 4-20mA input test and 2-channel 4-20mA transmitting output by using anlalog value module.Users can freely set the corresponding parameters of 4-20mA transmitting output.

■  可通过添加温度模块实现3路温度测量保护,可外接传感器类型有:PT100PT1000Cu50PTCNTC

Implement 3 channels temperature measure protection by using temperature module, the optional type of external sensor is PT100PT1000Cu50PTC, and NTC.

■  可通过添加Profibus模块实现Profibus-Dp通讯。

Implement Profibus-Dp communication by using Profibus module.


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